A packaging and branding project made in collaboration with Caroline Schlegel. 
The goal was to develop a concept and design materials for a hypothetical coffee shop located somewhere in the world. Caroline and I got to make a coffee shop in Copenhagen, Denmark. 
But before making anything, we did some research on the city, neighborhoods and other cafés as well as current design scene and visual culture.  Here is just a few of our research.
We wanted to make a coffee shop that celebrates a well known danish artist: Hans Christian Andersen. While doing research on him, we found some of his paper cut arts. That was when we found our concept: Hans Christian Andersen cafe. Incorporating his paper cuts and also his fairy tales. Here are his paper cuts that inspired us on the logo and packaging.
After we figured out the theme and concept for the coffee shop, we began designing. I started brainstorming the name and logo.

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