The goal was to select a company and design their annual report for share holders. 
I chose Netflix because is a company that I am familiar with and when looking into their annual report I found room for a more creative approach. 
Screenshots of the original Netflix's 2017 annual report
Netflix began as a dvd rental service and is now the largest streaming platform in the world. It has evolved together with the advances of technology and societal behavior. Taking their history into consideration the concept for this annual report was to include how they started, where they are now and where they are going ( I had to make this one up - which, fun fact, ended up being true!!)

First Iterations of the Annual Report

Final Print version of the Annual Report 
Some of the text was pulled from their report as well as from their talks and commercials.
After the printing version was done, it was adapted to a web version. For this, I incorporated more elements that they use on their website when watching a movie, such as the play button and the scroll bar.
Images and information were taken from Netflix's website and social media

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